Tree planting at Glenasmole Valley

We were very excited to start volunteering at the new NPWS restoration project in the Glenasmole Valley in the north of the Wicklow Mountains in February! 16 of our volunteers hiked up on Sunday 18th February to secluded gullies to plant native trees that would have once be found here before humans, deer and sheep did away with them.

Over the next 5 years the rangers hope to plant 6,000 trees in this 2,000 hectare valley that was added into the Wicklow Mountains National Park back in 2016. This the exact kind of landscape level project we need to tackle the biodiversity crisis and try save upland species on the brink of extinction and we're delighted to play a small part in it. 

We have tree planting events coming up every weekend for the rest of spring, including more in the Glenasmole Valley. Come join us for a fun and rewarding day out in the fresh air of Wicklow and play your part in these many great projects now happening by joining the list here.