Snapshot Europe 2023 report published

To celebrate National Heritage Week we've just published the report on our Snapshot Europe camera trap initiative across east Wicklow in 2023 - the results are fascinating! 

We succesfully monitored 47 sites, collected 183,297 photographs and captured 11 wild mammal species and a variety of birds. It was once again the largest systemic camera trap project in all of Ireland - completely run by volunteers! You can download and read the full report over on our website here.

Snapshot Europe seeks to get a snapshot of mammal distribution and frequency at sites all across Europe at the same time each year - September and October. Cameras for our project in Wicklow have been funded with grants from the NPWS and LAWPRO. We're just about to head back out with our cameras to set up the fourth year of this initiative at the end of August.

A huge thank you to all of the many volunteers who set up and monitored these cameras during 2023. The data collected and full report will hopefully help guide decisions around enhancing protection and habitat for the wonderful array of mammals we still have left in county Wicklow.